Poker Odds Conversion Table - Ratio & Percentage

Outs percentage and ratio conversions.

Outs1 Card To Come (flop) - Ratio1 Card To Come (flop) - %
146.0 to 12.1%
222.5 to 14.3%
314.7 to 16.4%
4 (gutshot) 10.8 to 18.5%
58.4 to 110.6%
66.8 to 112.8%
75.7 to 114.9%
8 (straight) 4.9 to 117.0%
9 (flush) 4.2 to 119.1%
103.7 to 121.3%
113.3 to 123.4%
122.9 to 125.5%
132.6 to 127.7%
142.4 to 129.8%
15 (s + f)2.1 to 131.9%
161.9 to 134.0%
171.8 to 136.2%
181.6 to 138.3%
191.5 to 140.4%
201.4 to 142.6%
221.1 to 146.8%

Simple percentage and ratio conversions.

RatioPercentage - %
10 to 19%
9 to 110%
8 to 111%
7 to 113%
6 to 114%
5 to 117%
4 to 120%
3 to 125%
2.5 to 129%
2 to 133%
1.5 to 140%
1 to 150%

Outs odds table key.

  • Gutshot – A straight draw with only one card able to complete it. e.g. 6-8 on a 5-9-Q board (only a 7 completes).
  • Straight – A standard open-ended straight draw with more outs. e.g. 6-8 on a 5-7-Q board (4 and 9 complete).
  • Flush – A hand where another card of the same suit is needed to complete the draw.
  • s + f – Both an open ended straight draw and flush combined. e.g. 6❤️ 8❤️ on a 5❤️ 7♣ Q❤️ board.

How to use the poker odds conversion charts.

The initial chart is great for a side-by-side comparison of ratio and percentage odds, tailored to the number of outs you possess. This makes it simple to understand, for instance, that a flush draw with 9 outs translates to odds of 4.2 to 1 and a 19.1% chance of completion.

The second chart is particularly handy for on-the-fly comparisons and conversions of pot odds. Take, for instance, a situation where you’re considering a $10 call for a chance to win a $50 pot. This situation offers pot odds of 5 to 1, which corresponds to roughly 17% when expressed as a percentage.

Additionally, as mentioned before, there’s a convenient odds converter tool available, named hoRatio, which can be found in the poker software section. This tool can effortlessly convert any percentage or ratio odds into the alternate format, potentially being a more practical option than consulting conversion tables.

Converting the odds in your head.

onverting a ratio into a percentage is straightforward. Start by adding the two numbers in the ratio. After that, divide 100 by the sum you get. For instance, if you’re on the turn with a flush draw, and your odds are 4.1 to 1 (rounded off to 4 to 1 for simplicity): With 4 to 1 odds, you add 4 and 1 together, which equals 5. Then, divide 100 by 5, resulting in 20%. This means with 4 to 1 odds, there’s a 20% likelihood of completing your draw. It’s as simple as that.

How to turn a percentage in to a ratio.

To convert a percentage to a ratio, start by dividing 100 by the given percentage. Next, subtract 1 from this result to find your x to 1 ratio.

For instance, say you’re holding a flush draw on the turn and your chances of completing the draw are at 19.6%, which we’ll round up to 20% for ease.

Divide 100 by 20, giving you 5. Then, subtract 1 from 5, leaving you with 4. Thus, your odds are 4 to 1.

Rounding the percentage to a simpler number that divides easily into 100 is a useful tip to make the calculation smoother.

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